• Parent & Staff communication is important to us, and parent input is encouraged. Conferences will be scheduled within two weeks of a request.
• Each child will have a Primary teacher to ensure individual attention and to foster staff & parent communication.
• Notices in the form of newsletters will be sent out via email.
• Trip announcement slips will be sent out a week in advance and must be signed and returned at least a day before the trip. There are no charges for trips.
Please call or email before the end of the school day if your child will not be coming that day. Our answering machine is always on.
• Phone: 617-332-7327. The best hours to call the office are between 3:30 – 5:00pm.
• E-mail: recplaceafterschool@gmail.com.
• All forms are confidential, must be completed in full before a child may participate, and must be kept up to date by the parent or guardian.
• Medical forms must be signed by a clinician.
• Any inaccurate or false information provided will result in immediate dismissal from the program and will be cause for the application & registration to be withdrawn.
• Fees Payable to: Rec Place Afterschool, Inc.
• Application fee: NON-REFUNDABLE $50 – This will be applied to the tuition deposit at registration.
• Tuition deposit: NON-REFUNDABLE
• One month’s tuition (last month first) must accompany completed registration packet.
• This will reserve a space for your child and pay for care in June of the following year.
DUE IN FULL regardless of absences, illnesses or withdrawal.
• Tuition is NON-REFUNDABLE as stated in our Care Agreement.
• Tuition is due the first day of each month. • It can be paid annually, biannually, or monthly.
• Bills will be sent only if payment is late and a late fee will be charged (see your Care Agreement contract for services).
• Parents/Guardians will be charged $25 for any returned checks, along with any charge passed on by the bank.
• Late Pick up: If child is picked up later than the scheduled time, there will be a $10 per child extra care fee charged, which will be doubled each half hour.
• Anyone who fails to fulfill the terms of the contract for services or owes money for a previous year, is not eligible to receive a re-enrollment form.
See ENROLLMENT for current tuition costs.